首頁圖片解說 (3)

Description for front page pictures (3)

釋迦牟尼佛: 佛教徒家中多供奉阿彌陀佛, 觀世音菩薩等, 釋迦牟尼佛多見於寺院, 雖說各佛平等, 佛
                      在心中, 但是身為佛子還是應該不要忘記 "本師"。本頁介紹的釋尊是跏趺坐於蓮台上,
                      示現「天壇大佛」像, 手施說法印, 象徵為娑婆世界的眾生不斷演說佛法, 但願我們能
                      精進修行, 不負釋尊的教誨。

SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA: The "teacher" of Buddhism, the statue show here is Heaven Altar Buddha
                      style, to sit cross-legged on the platform of lotus, the Mudra (mystic positions of the
                      hand) is showing "to tell or expound the law, doctrine, preach"  seal. 

* 本佛像是德化白瓷造。
* This statue is product from De-Hua White Porcelain.

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